Hello! My name is Linda. Let me tell you a little about myself. I live in a nice quiet suburb in New Jersey with my husband of 17 years, and our 4 toy poodles. I’ve been an avid reader for most of my life, although I did take a bit of a book break during my late teens, early twenties. I guess I was too busy having fun.

My love for books started at an early age, and I was happy to grab any book from the school library and read for hours. My books of choice were Dickens, Nancy Drew, Judy Bolton and the Hardy Boys. I also read many of the kids classics, such as Heidi, Black Beauty, The Secret Garden, and on and on. My taste in books naturally changed as I got a little older, but I still gravitated toward mysteries, and I happily discovered Agatha Christie. I was in Heaven!  Now, I read a bit of everything and anything. I follow many wonderful book bloggers, booktubers and book related podcasts, which expands my book reading (and buying), and has led to the ever-growing TBR pile.

So now here I am. I’ve decided to start a book blog just for fun. I hope that over time I can post some interesting and helpful reviews, meet other book lovers, and have some fun conversation!

Happy Reading!

16 responses »

  1. Linda,

    I’ve just started a new series, The Ideal Life Club, in a new genre called Ghost Mystery.
    The first book in the series is called Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts. It has clues and
    red herrings just like a typical mystery, but the perpetrator is a ghost rather than a murderer.
    It has no real horror, but some fun goosebumps and memorable characters ranging in age
    from their twenties on up to sixties, each on a quest to pursue a goal or make a cherished
    dream come true.

    Is this something that would be of interest to you? I would be happy to send either a paperback
    copy or a Kindle format, whatever you prefer. I know how busy blog reviewers are and I don’t
    mind waiting if you are booked up for a while.

    Thank you for this wonderful service you provide to readers and authors alike!

    With all good wishes,

    Janet DeLee

    Dreams aren’t just for the young, and baby boomer Ginny Lawther
    is happy to prove that she can still brave a leap of faith…she just
    needs a little prodding from like-minded individuals. Step one: place
    an ad in the local newspaper inviting other dreamers to form an
    Ideal Life Club. Step two: see if anyone shows up.

    When Ginny meets four hopeful strangers at the first club meeting,
    she thinks they’re off to a great start. Now it’s only a matter of time
    before the sixty-something widow Hilda, turns her crafting into a
    full-time career; the twenty-something Jerry becomes a professional
    musician; and the thirty-something housewife Lydia publishes her
    cookbook. That is, until the rugged divorcé, Lee, sets a goal to solve
    his ghost problem—and upends all their lives!

    Suddenly the support group isn’t just trying to navigate the ups and
    downs of pursuing their dreams; they’re also wrestling with a strange
    cast of spirits who keep interrupting their endeavors. What do these
    apparitions want? And why have they latched on to the Ideal Lifers?

    • Hi Janet – well I have to say that this book sounds really interesting. I would love to read it! The Kindle version will be fine, although I won’t be able to start until I complete the 3 that I’m reading next. Thank you so much for the opportunity, and I look forward to it.

  2. Hi Linda, I had to check your site out and not because you are a reviewer – its those poodles! I grew up in a house where they were the main dog and I still love the breed today, though my own two (rescue dogs) are far from cute and small.

  3. Pingback: We’ve been nominated- Sunshine Blogger Award – Closet Readers

  4. Hi! The comments on your two posts about The Mystery of Castle Croome are closed, so I thought I’d post here.

    Hilda Boden wrote several more books about Molly Stewart and her friends, including The Mystery of Island Keep, Storm Over Wales, and The Severnside Mystery. There could be others, perhaps, but those three I know.

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